Batch (sFTP) APIs

Account Type   

R Payment card (debit or credit)
C Checking
S Savings

CCD Corporate credit or debit
PPD Prearranged payment and deposit entry
TEL Telephone initiated entry
WEB Internet initiayed entry
C21 Check 21
Charge Type   

FF Franchising fee
Holder Type   

P Person
O Organization (Corporation)
Payment Cards   

DM Direct marketing
EC Ecommerce
Tokenization Account Type   

VC Visa credit card
VD Visa debit card
MC MasterCard credit card
MD MasterCard debit card
DC Discover credit card
DD Discover debit card
AC AmEx credit card
NC Diners credit card
BD Bank debit card
BC Checking account
BS Savings account
VP Visa prepaid card
VS Visa fleet card
MP MasterCard prepaid card
MF MasterCard fleet card
EF EBT food stamp
EC EBT cash benefit
GG General gift card
FL Fleet One card
GF Fuelman or FleetWide card
VF Voyager fleet card
WX WEX fleet card
VE Visa debit checking account
VV Visa debit saving account
UC UnionPay credit card
UD UnionPay debit card
Transaction Type   

S Sale (operation used to withdraw specific amount of money from the supplied credit card or bank account)
C Credit (operation used to deposit (return) specific amount of money to the supplied credit card or bank account)
D Sale decline (sale transaction that got declined)
X Credit decline (credit transaction that got declined)
E Error (transaction that did not go through an internal validation of the gateway and was not sent for further processing)
B Blacklist (transaction, which has not been processed, as the account is in the blacklist due to the previous hard decline)
N Return (represents direct debit payment that is not honored by a bank)
G Chargeback (operation of reversal of a prior outbound transfer of funds from a customer's bank account or credit card)
R Reversal (operation where credit card chargeback is reversed - money is given back to the merchant or customer)
U Notice of change (represents direct debit transaction that is returned by the customer's bank as a notification that some details of the transaction were corrected)
J Reject (direct debit payment that is rejected by the bank due to insufficient funds or errors in payment order)