Batch (sFTP) APIs


Integration Overview 

The integration within the gateway can be tested using data presented below.

Test Cards and Bank Accounts 

The following accounts are accepted by the test server's validation mechanism and thus can be used for preliminary testing (they are also used as a part of the certification process):

Card Type Card Number Expiration Date
Visa 4111111111111111 0430
MasterCard 5499740000000057 0430
Discover 6011000991001201 0430
AmEx 371449635392376 0430

Country Bank Account Number Token (Simple) Token (Extended) Routing Number Account Type
US 4099999992 BC11190000010030019992 XBC00P0000000011190000010030014099009992 021000021 Checking
AU 7694200031 BC12345667081067830031 XBC00P0000000012345667081067837694000031 093088 Checking
CA 5682100032 BC12345644275009280032 XBC00P0000000012345644275009285682000032 053133052 Checking

Test Amount Ranges 

As part of testing, the amount ranges specified below can be used to trigger specific response codes from the server. Any valid account number and properly formatted billing address can be used for the test.

When working with test amount ranges, pay attention to the asterisks in the table below:
*D08/D21 response codes apply only in the cases when CSC/PIN code has been submitted. Otherwise, A01 Approved is returned.
**This range is designated to test partial authorizations. Note that A05 Partially Approved response can be received under the condition if isPartialAuthorization field value is submitted as 1 and transactionIndustryType is submitted as either Retail or Restaurant, otherwise A01 Approved response is received.
***This range is designated to test chargebacks and reversals. In this scenario, the original transition is approved (A01 Approved is received in the response), but after a realtime transaction cycle is closed (batches settled for direct debit), a chargeback (for Z01 code) or chargeback and reversal is generated.
****This range is designated to test rejects. In this scenario, the original transition is approved (A01 Approved is received in the response), but after processing, the reject with D27 response code is generated.
The amounts ending with 7 (for example, x.x7 dollars) are designated to test chargebacks. In this scenario, A01 approval code is received in the response, but after a realtime transaction cycle is closed, a chargeback is generated with Z02 code.
The amounts ending with 8 (for example, x.x8 dollars) are designated to test chargeback reversals. In this scenario, A01 approval code is received in the response, but after a realtime transaction cycle is closed, a chargeback reversal is generated with Z01 code.


Amount Range Payment Card Direct Debit
In dollars In cents Response code Response message Response code Response message
70.00 – 74.99 7000 – 7499 D01 Denied by customer's bank R01 Insufficient Funds
75.00 – 79.99 7500 – 7999 D02 Invalid Expiration Date R02 Account Closed
75.00 – 79.99 7500 – 7999 D02 Invalid Expiration Date R02 Account Closed
80.00 – 84.99 8000 – 8499 D03 Insufficient Funds R03 No Account
85.00 – 89.99 8500 – 8999 D04 Hold - Pick up card R04 Invalid Account Number
90.00 – 94.99 9000 – 9499 D05 Invalid card number R05 Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code
95.00 – 99.99 9500 – 9999 D06 No account R07 Revoked Authorization
100.00 - 104.99 10000 – 10499 D08* CSC is invalid R10 Advised as Unauthorized, Item is Ineligible, Notice not provided, Signatures not Genuine, or Item Altered, Improper Source Document, Amount of Entry not Accurately Obtained
105.00 - 109.99 10500 – 10999 D09 Duplicate Transaction R16 Account Frozen
110.00 - 114.99 11000 - 11499 D10 Card reported lost/stolen R51 Item is Ineligible; Notice not Provided; Signature Not Genuine; Item Altered; Amount of Entry not Accurately Obtained
115.00 - 119.99 11500 - 11999 D16 Card is Expired R99 Transaction rejected by processor
120.00 - 124.99 12000 - 12499 D17 Re-enter Transaction
125.00 - 129.99 12000 - 12499 D18 Bad Amount
130.00 - 134.99 13000 - 13499 D21* Pin Try Exceeded
135.00 – 139.99 13500 – 13999 D27 Transaction Error
140.00 – 144.99 14500 - 14999 D29 Card is restricted
150.00 – 159.99 15000 – 15999 A05** Partially Approved
160.00 – 169.99 16000 – 16999 Z02*** Chargeback received
170.00 – 174.99 17000 - 17499 D30 Call for Authorization
175.00 – 179.99 17500 - 17999 D33 Incorrect merchant setup
180.00 – 184.99 18000 – 18499 D41 Processing Error
190.00 – 194.99 19000 – 19499 Z01*** Reversal received
195.00 – 199.99 19500 – 19999 D27**** Transaction Error

Credit (Credit Cards)

When working with test amount ranges, pay attention to the asterisks in the table below:
*This range is designated to test rejects. In this scenario, A02 approval code is received in the response but after a realtime transaction cycle is closed (batches settled for direct debit), a reject is generated for transactions with the indicated amount range.

Amount Range (in dollars) Amount Range (in cents) Response Code Response Message
90.00 – 94.99 9000 – 9499 D05 Invalid card number
95.00 – 99.99 9500 – 9999 D06 No account
135.00 – 139.99 13500 – 13999 D27* Transaction Error
180.00 – 184.99 18000 – 18499 D41 Processing Error

Credit (Direct Debit)

Note that in scenarios below, the original transaction is approved (A02 Credit Posted code is returned), but after the realtime transaction cycle is closed, the return is generated.

Amount Range (in dollars) Amount Range (in cents) Response Code Response Message
75.00 – 79.99 7500 – 7999 R02 Invalid card number
80.00 – 84.99 8000 – 8499 R03 No Account
85.00 – 89.99 8500 – 8999 R04 Invalid Account Number
115.00 – 119.99 11500 – 11999 R99 Transaction rejected by processor

Notice of Change 

Amount Range Direct Debit
In dollars In cents Response code Response message
170.00 – 171.99 17000 – 17199 С01 Customer's account number is incorrect.
172.00 – 173.99 17200 – 17399 С02 Customer's routing number is incorrect.
174.00 – 175.99 17400 – 17599 С03 Customer's routing number and DFI account numbers are incorrect.
176.00 – 177.99 17600 – 17799 С04 Customer's name is incorrect.
178.00 – 179.99 17800 - 17999 С05 Customer's account type (Savings/Checking) is incorrect.
180.00 – 181.99 18000 – 18199 С06 Account number is incorrect and transaction is being routed to the wrong type of account.

AVS Verification 

As part of testing, the ZIP codes specified below can be used to trigger specific AVS response codes from the server.

ZIP Code AVS Response Code Response Message
11111 00 AVS Error - Retry, System unavailable or Timed out
22222 46 Street address doesn't match, 5-digit ZIP matches
33333 43 Street address not available (not verified), ZIP matches
44444 40 Address failed
55555 4F Street address and ZIP match

Test Data for Account Updater 

For testing of account updater mechanism, the following accounts and associated token values can be used:

Card Brand Card Number Token Updated Card Number Updated Token
Visa 4111111111111111 VC84632147254611111111 4217651111111119 VC48963129999944441119
Visa 4005519200000004 VC84632147254611130004 4012000033330021 VC84632147254611120021
MasterCard 5499740000000057 MC32541698745800570057 5149612222222229 MC57543852138455552229
MasterCard 5240183220119336 MC65801093696493369336 5545391269367425 MC65880932249074257425
Discover 6011000991001201 DC65874123589012011201 6011680682107514 DC65373768825875147514
Discover 6488652476636689 DC65418252544466896689 6465524952581795 DC65419335329617951795
Additionally, the month value of an expiration date can be used in conjunction with account number/token value to trigger a specific response from the server. To trigger the respective card number or expiration date value update, month value of the expiration date must be changed to the ones listed in the table below:

Month Response Code Response Message Updated Data
01 UA Account Number Updated Account number
(see the table above for the updated values)
02 UE Expiration Date Updated Expiration date
(will be updated using the following template:
03[current year+2].
For example, 0714 will be updated to 0316.)
03 UN No Updates No updates
04 CC Contact cardholder No updates
05 NN No Match No updates
06 XX Data unavailable No updates