Terminals APIs

Account Type   

R Payment Card (debit or credit)
E Branded debit checking card. This type is used for Canadian debit cards (Interac) only.
V Branded debit savings card. This type is used for Canadian debit cards (Interac) only.
D Unbranded debit checking card
I Unbranded debit savings card
C Bank checking account
S Bank saving account
F EBT food stamp
H EBT cash benefit
G Gift card
L Fleet
K Check (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
A Cash (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
Capture Value   

capture-value Type of the request/response
Currency Type   

DEF Default currency of the merchant account
PTS Points
Cycle Type   

S Indicates that a secondary transaction cycle is closed. Secondary RTC includes only direct debit transactions.
P Indicates that a primary transaction cycle is closed. Primary RTC includes only payment card transactions or both card and direct debit transactions.
Entry Medium Type   

NP Not present
MC Magnetic card
CC Chip card
CH Check
Entry Mode Type   

S Swipe/Scan; data is received when a card/check is swiped/scanned
H Chip; data is received when an EMV card is inserted into a terminal
C Contactless; data is received when a contactless card is tapped to a terminal
M Manual; data is received when a user enters it manually. Used when card/check data cannot be read by any of the entry methods indicated above
Entry PIN Mode Type   

X Unknown
S Supported
U Unsupported
N Inoperative
O Offline
Extended Account Type   

VC Visa credit card
VD Visa debit card
MC MasterCard credit card
MD MasterCard debit card
DC Discover credit card
DD Discover debit card
AC AmEx credit card
NC Dinners credit card
BD Bank debit card
BC Checking account
BS Savings account
VP Visa prepaid card
VS Visa fleet card
MP MasterCard prepaid card
MF MasterCard fleet card
EF EBT food stamp
EC EBT cash benefit
GG General gift card
FL Fleet One card
GF Fuelman or FleetWide card
VF Voyager fleet card
WX WEX fleet card
CA Cash (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
CK Check (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
VE Visa debit checking account
VV Visa debit saving account
Holder Type   

P Person
O Organization (Corporation)
Holder Verification Mode Type   

NN No verification
II Ink signature verification
DD Digital signature verification
PP PIN verification
PI PIN and ink signature verification
PD PIN and digital signature verification

A Add new items
R Replace current items
Partial Authorization Type   

N Indicates that partial authorization is not supported
T Indicates that partial authorization is done by the terminal
P Indicates that partial authorization is done by a POS
Processing Mode Type   

online Indicates that the transaction is processed online
offline Indicates that the transaction is processed offline, i.e. it is pre-processed (in case of swiped transactions) or it has been approved by the chip (in case of EMV transactions)
Receipt Mode Type   

N Indicates that the receipt is not needed.
G Indicates that the receipt is sent to a customer via email.
T Indicates that the receipt is printed out by the terminal.
P Indicates that the receipt is printed out by the POS.
Tokenization Account Type   

VC Visa credit card
VD Visa debit card
MC MasterCard credit card
MD MasterCard debit card
DC Discover credit card
DD Discover debit card
AC AmEx credit card
NC Dinners credit card
BD Bank debit card
BC Checking account
BS Savings account
VP Visa prepaid card
VS Visa fleet card
MP MasterCard prepaid card
MF MasterCard fleet card
EF EBT food stamp
EC EBT cash benefit
GG General gift card
FL Fleet One card
GF Fuelman or FleetWide card
VF Voyager fleet card
WX WEX fleet card
VE Visa debit checking account
VV Visa debit saving account
Transaction Category Type   

B Bill payment
R Recurring
I Installment
H Healthcare
Transaction Industry Type   

RE Retail
RS Restaurant
CCD Corporate credit or debit (direct debit only)
PPD Prearranged payment and deposit entry (direct debit only)
POP Point purchase entry (direct debit only)
Void Reason Code Type   

CI Indicates that a void has been initiated by a customer
TR Indicates that a void has been done due to a timeout reversal
SM Indicates that a void has been done due to an error within the system
SF Indicates that a void has been done due to a suspected fraud attempt
PR Indicates that a void has been done due to a premature card removal
CD Indicates that a void has been done due to a payment card chip decline