Test amount ranges

Cards (Real-Time)

Amount Range Response code Response message Foot Note
In dollars In cents
5.00 - 69.99 500 - 6999 A01 Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) Transaction has been approved.
5.00 - 69.99 500 - 6999 A02 Credit Posted Credit has been posted on a cardholder’s account.
70.00 - 79.99 7000 - 7999 D05 Invalid card number Specified credit card number is invalid or does not exist.
80.00 - 89.99 8000 - 8999 D10 Card reported lost The customer’s bank has declined the transaction and requested the customer’s credit card to be retained because card was reported lost.
90.00 - 99.99 9000 - 9999 D30 Call for authorization To proceed with the transaction, call for authorization is needed to confirm the validity of the card. Note: This range is designated to test voice authorization. Sale, Sale-Auth, Account-Verification request in the amount between $90.00 – 99.99 will result in D30 decline code, however if approval code 012345 is specified, then A01 will be received.
100.00 - 109.99 10000 - 10999 D04 Hold - Pick up card The customer’s bank has declined the transaction and requested customer’s credit card to be retained.
110.00 - 119.99 11000 - 11999 D08 CVV2 is invalid CVV2 value is invalid (Decline CSC/CID Fail).
120.00 - 129.99 12000 - 12999 D03 Insufficient Funds Specified credit card does not have sufficient funds.
130.00 - 139.99 13000 - 13999 E02 Processing Network Unavailable Processing network is temporarily unavailable.
140.00 - 149.99 14000 - 14999 D41 Processing Error A connection error occurred after the transaction has been submitted.
150.00 - 159.99 15000 - 15999 A05 Partially Approved Transaction has been partially approved as a result of split payment. Note: This range is designated to test partial authorizations. By setting Sale with this amount range the partially approved transaction will be received. Approved amount will be $10 less than the originally requested amount. ''Partially Approved'' (A05) response can be received under the condition if isPartialAuthorization is set to ''1'' and transactionIndustryType is set to either ''Retail'' or ''Restaurant'', otherwise ''Insufficient Funds'' (D03) response is received.
170.00 - 179.99 17000 - 17999 D27 Transaction Error Transaction Error. Note: This range is designated to test rejects. In this scenario, A01 approval code is received in the response but after a cycle is closed (batches settled for direct debit), a reject is generated for transactions with the indicated amount range.
300.00 - 1,500.00 30000 - 150000 A01 Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) Transaction has been approved.

Cards (Batch)

Amount Range Response code Response message Foot Note
In dollars In cents
5.00 - 69.99 500 - 6999 A01 Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) Transaction has been approved.
70.00 - 79.99 7000 - 7999 D05 Invalid card number Specified credit card number is invalid or does not exist.
80.00 - 89.99 8000 - 8999 D10 Card reported lost The customer’s bank has declined the transaction and requested the customer’s credit card to be retained because card was reported lost.
90.00 - 99.99 9000 - 9999 D13 Stop Recurring Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment.
100.00 - 109.99 10000 - 10999 D04 Hold - Pick up card The customer’s bank has declined the transaction and requested customer’s credit card to be retained.
110.00 - 119.99 11000 - 11999 D06 Account not found Specified credit card number is associated with account that does not exist.
120.00 - 129.99 12000 - 12999 D03 Insufficient Funds Specified credit card does not have sufficient funds.
130.00 - 139.99 13000 - 13999 E02 Processing Network Unavailable Processing network is temporarily unavailable.
140.00 - 149.99 14000 - 14999 D41 Processing Error A connection error occurred after the transaction has been submitted.
150.00 - 159.99 15000 - 15999 A05 Partially Approved Transaction has been partially approved as a result of split payment. Note: This range is designated to test partial authorizations. By setting Sale with this amount range the partially approved transaction will be received. Approved amount will be $10 less than the originally requested amount. ''Partially Approved'' (A05) response can be received under the condition if isPartialAuthorization is set to ''1'' and transactionIndustryType is set to either ''Retail'' or ''Restaurant'', otherwise ''Insufficient Funds'' (D03) response is received.

Direct Debit (Real-Time)

Amount Range Response code Response message Foot Note
In dollars In cents
5.00 - 69.99 500 - 6999 A01 Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) Transaction has been approved.
5.00 - 69.99 500 - 6999 A02 Credit Posted Credit has been posted on a cardholder’s account.
70.00 - 79.99 7000 - 7999 R05 Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code A CCD debit entry was transmitted to a consumer account and was not authorized by the consumer.
80.00 - 89.99 8000 - 8999 R02 Account Closed Previously active account has been closed by customer or customer's bank.
90.00 - 99.99 9000 - 9999 R08 Stop Payment or Stop on Source Document Receiver of a recurring debit transaction has stopped payment on a specific ACH debit.
100.00 - 109.99 10000 - 10999 R16 Account Frozen Funds unavailable due to specific action by the RDFI or by legal action.
110.00 - 119.99 11000 - 11999 R03 No Account Account structure is valid and passes editing process, but does not correspond to individual or is not an open account.
120.00 - 129.99 12000 - 12999 R01 Insufficient Funds Available balance is not sufficient to cover the dollar amount of the debit entry.
130.00 - 139.99 13000 - 13999 E02 Processing Network Unavailable Processing network is temporarily unavailable.
150.00 - 1,500.00 15000 - 150000 A01 Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) Transaction has been approved.
140.00 - 149.99 14000 - 14999 D41 Processing Error A connection error occurred after the transaction has been submitted.