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Creating a new user

Version: V4.3
Added on: 09/01/15
Time: 30 min
Category: Tutorials

Prerequisite Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description
Navigating User perspective 09/09/14 15 mins In this easy tutorial you will learn how to navigate User Perspective as well as make basic operations with a user.

Useful Terms

Permission     Privileges     Security Role    

Creating a new user

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial you will learn how to create a new user on User perspective. After user is created, email notifications with user credentials will be sent to a user or/and a creator. To learn more about user email notifications, review this guide. To learn more about users' privileges and access policy, review this guide.
    Two types of users are available within the gateway: Service and Human.
    A user that was created as Service can have explicit access to API.
    A user that was created as Human will have access only to the user interface. The Permission level will depend on the user's permissions that are frequently granted to users collectively. Thus, when a user is created a particular role can be assigned instead of a large number of individual permissions. In the gateway system, there are twelve security roles that belong to four groups (System, Portfolio, Reseller, Merchant, Customer). Security roles are organized hierarchically from System 2 (the highest security level with the largest number of permissions) to Customer 1 (the least number of permissions). To learn more about permissions based security mechanism, review this guide." >Security Role (customer, merchant, reseller, portfolio, system). Perspectives and functionalities related to the terminal, processing and recurring modules are not available for human users.

    For creation of a Service user we will use the following parameters:
    Owner: Reseller
    Owner Code: Best Software
    Full Name: My POS
    User Name: mypos
    Privileges: Processing API, Management API, Billing API, TMS API
    Time Zone: EST
    Default Merchant Account: My First Merchant (created in the Creating a merchant (basic) tutorial)

    Contact Information:
    John Smith
    300 5th Ave
    New York, NY 10001

    For creation of a Human user we will use the following parameters:
    Owner: Reseller
    Owner Code: Best Software
    Full Name: John Smith
    User Name: jsmith
    Security Level: Merchant 1
    Password: John%20Smith190
    Time Zone: EST
    Default Merchant Account: My First Merchant (created in the Creating a merchant (basic) tutorial)

    Contact Information:
    John Smith
    300 5th Ave
    New York, NY 10001
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => User Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Click   Newbutton in the top left section of the screen.
  4. Click   Servicemenu item to create Service user.
  5. Select Reseller in Ownerdropdown
  6. Select Best Software in   Owner Codedropdown
  7. Enter My POS into the Full Nametextbox
  8. Enter mypos into the User Nametextbox
  9. Locate   Send password by email  label.

    Note: Service user's password is generated automatically by the system and sent to a user's email. The password can be used for two purposes - for making transactions within the gateway and making transactions via terminal when the terminal is set to managed mode. For making transactions with the gateway, the entire password (32 characters) must be used. For making transactions with the terminal, only first 20 characters must be used.
  10. Locate   To User  checkbox and check it off to have the password to be sent directly to the user's e-mail.

    Note: If you want password to be sent to you, locate to Creator checkbox and check it off.
  11. Select EST in Time Zone (Code)dropdown
  12. Select My First Merchant in   Default Merchant Accountdropdown .

    Note: Not merchant code, but merchant account code should be entered.
  13. Locate   Privileges  groupbox and select Processing API, Management API, Billing API and TMS API.
  14. Locate   Contact Information  groupbox
  15. Enter 300 5th Ave into the Streettextbox
  16. Enter New York into the Citytextbox
  17. Select New York in Statedropdown
  18. Enter 10001 into the ZIP Codetextbox
  19. Enter john.smith@email.com into the Emailtextbox
  20. Click   Savebutton
  21. After you are done, logon information, including access URL, username and password, will be split in two parts and sent separately. The emails should look similar to what is shown in the screenshot.
  22. Let's create a new Human user.
  23. Click   Newbutton in the top left section of the screen.
  24. Click   Humanmenu item to create Human user.
  25. Select Reseller in Ownerdropdown
  26. Select Best Software in   Owner Codedropdown
  27. Enter John Smith into the Full Nametextbox
  28. Enter jsmith into the User Nametextbox
  29. Select Merchant 1 in Security Leveldropdown
  30. Enter John%20Smith190 into the Passwordtextbox and Confirm Password textbox.
  31. Steps for entering Time Zone, Default Merchant Account and Contact Information will be the same as for Service user creation.
  32. After you are done, logon information, including access URL, username and password, will be split in two parts and sent separately. The emails should look similar to what is shown in the screenshot.
  33. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to create new users represented by Human or Service using User perspective. Now you can do this by yourself.

Related Tutorials

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How to create a new user (deprecated) 09/15/14 15 mins You will learn how to create a new user using User perspective.
