Distributions Perspective

Type:    Perspective
Description: Arrangement of available forms and actions that are needed to provide access to the common functionality of distribution recipients such as vendor or holding account.

Allows to select one of the funds distribution recipients. Selection, in turn, influences the number of available functions.
Opens Form: Search Form
Allows to add a new vendor or holding account.
Allows to add a new vendor.
Opens Form: New Vendor
Holding Account
Allows to add a new holding account. The button opens the corresponding form.
Opens Form: New Holding Account
Allows to review or change a vendor's or holding account's details.
Opens Form: Distributions Details
Allows to generate a vendor's or holding account's statements.
Opens Form: Statements
Allows the user to change current perspective that he/she is working with.
Opens Form: Portal
Log Out
Allows to sign out of the system and terminate current session.