
Type:    Form
Description: Arrangement of forms that allows modification of various system settings.












Saves all changes on the form.
Refreshes all data saved on the form.



Includes general setup information for EON Payments system.
Application Home
Absolute path (or relative to unipay:app-home) to the resources directory that is to be used by the application.

Resources directory contains ssh and pgp keys as well as other artifacts needed by the application.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.resources-home
Application Name
Official name of the application to be shown on UI. The value is used for rebranding.
References: iapp_settings
Application Host
Host (URL) to access EON Payments user interface from either internal or external (public) network. The value is used for inter-module communication, for Provider callbacks and in notifications sent to user, in which a link to the applications needs to be provided (e.g. integration instructions). For example,
References: iapp_settings
Owner Name
Official name of the company that owns the application instance, and on behalf of which all actions on the server are taken. The value is used to sign outgoing correspondence (emails) and for general application re-branding.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.owner-name
Resources Home
Absolute path (or relative to unipay:app-home) to the resources directory that is to be used by the application.

Resources directory contains ssh and pgp keys as well as other artifacts needed by the application.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.resources-home
Work Home
Absolute path (or relative to unipay:app-home) of the temporary directory where work files are to be stored during the application processing.
References: iapp_settings
Profile Type
Type of the deployment profile used on this server. The value is used to identify the purpose of the server (certain processing logic might be handled differently depending on whether the server is in prod or test/dev mode).

Possible values:
  • prod - production server
  • test - staging server or QA server
  • dev - developer workstation or development server
References: iapp_settings .unipay.profile-type
If prod profile type is activated, UniPay application is used for production environment.
If test profile type is activated, UniPay application is used for test environment.
If dev profile type is activated, UniPay application is used for development environment.
Profile Name
Name of the deployment profile used on this server. Profile is a group of settings and configurations necessary for application execution.

The name of the profile must be comprised of 2 parts separated with a dash (-):
  • name - name of this specific deployment configuration;
  • type - type of the deployment configuration.

Possible types:
  • prod - production server
  • test - staging server or QA server
  • dev - developer' workstation or development server

myserver-prod, myserver-test
References: iapp_settings .unipay.profile-name
Reconciliation Cutoff
Alloews to select reconcilliation cutoff time.
Cloud Code
References: .
UniPay Node Codes
Codes of the EON Payments nodes. The first field is used for batch nodes codes and the second field is used for API nodes codes.
UniBroker Node Codes
Codes of the UniBroker nodes. The first field is used for batch nodes codes and the second field is used for API nodes codes.


Includes EON Payments logging information.
Debug Enabled
Indicates whether debug mode is turned on. When set to true, the application will generate additional debug information that can be used to diagnose problems. debug mode is not recommended for production environments.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.debug-enabled
Controls the level of logging used within the application.

Possible values:
  • info - minimal information about system's execution
  • debug - everything included in 'info' level plus execution times for internal processes
References: iapp_settings .unipay.logging.log-level
Merchant List (Realtime)
The list of merchant codes for which debug logging is enabled.

The list of merchant codes for which debug logging is enabled.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.logging.realtime-merchant-list
Include Sensitive Data (Realtime)
Activates debug logging for tracking issues with such data as passwords, cards numbers, etc.


Includes various EON Payments system information.


Includes general system settings.
Module Key
A configuration key consisting of 1-7 letters, indicating which modules of the UniPay suite are deployed to the server. You should set on the user interface the values corresponding to the specified property values. The letters comprising the key can be used in any order. The absence of a letter in the property indicates the absence of the corresponding module.

Possible values:
  • A - UniCharge
  • B - UniBill
  • P - UniBill Customer Portal
  • I - API
  • D - Detokenization
  • H - UniCharge-proxy
  • E - UniRead (Cloud)
  • L - Console
  • Q - QA_UTILS

The value in the file controls application assembly process. You can verify whether all modules are installed with the checkModules pingdom check.
In case there are letters in the settings on the user interface identifying the module which
was not installed, pingdom check will result in the following error: MODULE_PROBLEM.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.module-key
TrustStore Password
Password on the keystore with trusted SSL certificates. The file is called unipay.truststore and is located in resources directory.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.truststore-password
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Merchant Auth Mode
Mode of authentication that is to be used when a connection is attempted using API on behalf of a merchant.

Possible values:
  • code - Merchant Code is used as the user name
  • refCode - Merchant's Reference Code is used as the user name

In some instances, it might be easier for an integrator to use some value other than Merchant Code to authenticate into the system. For such cases, this value can be saved into the Reference Code field of the Merchant object and refCode authentication mode can be used instead of the default mode.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.merchant-auth-mode
Cache Type
Type of the system cache.

Possible values:
  • Local - recommended when running in a standalone mode
  • Infinispan - recommended for a cluster mode
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.cache-type
Reseller Statement Day List
The list of days (of a month) when reseller statements should be generated. Multiple days (possible values: 1 - 28) can be specified using comma as delimiter, e.g. 5,15.
References: iapp_settings
Monthly Statement Day
Indicates the calendar day, when Monthly Statement report for the previous month will be generated and sent to a merchant.

Default value: 1.
References: iapp_settings


Includes service hosts addresses.
Report Service Host
Host (URL) to access report generation service. For example,
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.reporting-service-host
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Help Service Host
Host (URL) to access documentation via API. For example,
References: iapp_settings


Includes database-related settings.
SQL Batch Size
Maximum batch size to be used on SQL batch inserts.

The larger the batch size, the more data rows will get sent to the server in a single batch. Very large batch sizes may cause performance issues and transaction deadlocks.

Batch inserts are used in business logic that handles large groups of records.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.sql-batch-size
SQL IN Statement Limit
Maximum number of values that be in included within SQL IN statement.

For example:
SELECT * FROM customer_account WHERE Id IN (2992, 3346, 8765, 9983)

The parameters affects a small number of SQL statements used in batch processing business logic. The larger the number, the more values can be processed in a single SQL statement, but he heavier the actual statement becomes.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.sql-in-statement-limit
SQL Version
Shows the version of SQL used in the application.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.sql-version
SQL Verification Action
Alloews to select action that is applied if there is an error in the database.
Shutdown Server on Fail
Server will be shut down if there is an error in the database.
Warning Message on Fail
Warning message will be displayed if there is an error in the database. Default value.
SQL verification is disabled.


Includes settings associated with additional services.
Encryption Allowed
Controls whether internal encryption mechanism is allowed to be used for the credit card storage.

Setting the value to false will result in an error while attempting to save a credit card number or a bank account number under a Merchant record, which has no tokenization settings specified.

Disabling encryption is only recommended when usage of tokenization must be enforced on all Merchants maintained within the system. It is not recommended to disable encryption in development environment.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.encryption-allowed
Gzip Enabled
Controls whether compression is used when data streams are handled by the application.

Enabling stream compression reduces the load on RAM, but increases processing time. The property is false by default and should only be enabled when the amount of RAM on the application server is not sufficient to handle character or binary streams (interchange files) that the application has to handle.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.gzip-enabled
XSS Validation Enabled
Indicates whether XSS validation is turned on. When set to true, all content submissions will be scanned for XSS injections. Since validation introduces additional processing overhead, it can be disabled in development environments.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.xss-validation-enabled
Merchant Selection Enabled
Indicates whether combobox for Merchant selection located on top of the screen is enabled. When set to false, users will be unable to change active merchant (even if multiple merchants are defined in the application) and will be limited in access to the default merchant assigned to them.

This setting is only useful on servers configured for use by a single multi-account merchant.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.merchant-selection-enabled
Notice Delivery Enabled
Indicates whether Notices of Change are included in the Transaction Export report which is available at two places:
- on the user interface,
- via the transaction-list API call in the reporting API.
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.processing.notice-delivery-enabled
Absolute Style Path Allowed
Indicates whether an absolute path, providing access to the CSS file associated with an HPP page, is allowed to be submitted via styleURL API field.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.absolute-style-path-allowed
Optional Fields Validation
Type of the field validation that is applied to optional fields (zipCode, street1, street2, state, countryCode, transactionCode, customerAccountCode) in the submitted request.

Possible values:
  • Validate - if an invalid field value is submitted, the HPP request fails and validation error is shown on the screen. Used by default.
  • Cleanup - if an invalid field value is submitted, the HPP request is processed but invalid symbols in the values are cleaned up (replaced with gaps).
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.optional-fields-validation-mode
Indicates that when an invalid field value is submitted, the HPP request fails and validation error is shown on the screen.
Indicates that when an invalid field value is submitted, the HPP request is processed but invalid symbols in the values are cleaned up.
System Time Offset
Sets a number of hours that are going to be added or subtracted from the current server time when using the emulation mode.
The default value is "0" (the current server time is used). To add a certain number of hours, a positive value should be indicated; to subtract a certain number of hours, a negative value should be indicated.
References: iapp_settings
Purging Disabled
Indicates whether the data purging is performed continuously or the process stops after one iteration is complete.

Defines how purging data from the database is carried out.

Possible values:
  • true - purging process stops once the current iteration is complete;
  • false - purging process continues automatically after the end of the iteration.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.purging_disabled
Settlement Status
Indicates which transactions should be added to Transaction List report depending on their Settlement type.

Defines which types of transactions are included in the Transaction List report.

Possible values:
  • settled – only settled transactions are generated in the report (default).
  • unsettled – only unsettled transactions are generated in the report.
  • all – both settled and unsettled transactions are generated in the report.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.temp.default-settlement-status


Includes user-related system settings.
User Password Expiration Period (...
Time period (in days) after the date when a human user's password has been changed, during which the password remains valid. After the time period ends, the user is required to change the current account's password.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.human-user-password-expiration-period
User Password Expiration Period (...
Time period (in days) after the date when a service user's password has been changed, during which the password remains valid. After the time period ends, user's account gets blocked.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.service-user-password-expiration-period
User Notification Expiration Peri...
Time period (in days) before the expiration date, during which human user receives notifications about password expiration. It is required to change the current account's password within this time period.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.human-user-notification-expiration-period
User Notification Expiration Peri...
Time period (in days) before the expiration date, during which service user receives notifications about password expiration. It is required to change the current account's password within this time period.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.service-user-notification-expiration-period
User Failed Login Limit
The number of failed login attempts after which a user's account gets deactivated.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.system.user-failed-login-limit



Includes various processing settings.


Includes tokenization and proxynization services settings.
Token Format
Enumeration of possible tokenization policy formats available for the merchant in the system.

References: Merchant.Tokenization Format CL
Indicates that the Simple (ex. Legacy) token format is selected.
Indicates that the Extended token format is selected.
Token Removal
Reference to the entity that represents modes that are used to remove tokenization.

References: Merchant.Tokenization Removal CL
Indicates that tokens are removed from the system automatically.
Indicates that tokens are removed from the system manually using the untokenization API call.
Indicates that token removal is disabled for the selected merchant.

Account Aggregation

Includes account aggregation settings for payment cards and Direct Debit.
Indicates whether account aggregation cards mechanism is used for this merchant or not.

References: Merchant.Is Account Aggregation Cards Enabled
Direct Debit
Indicates whether account aggregation ACH mechanism is used for this merchant or not.

References: Merchant.Is Account Aggregation ACH Enabled


Includes various batch processing settings.
Batch Review Required
Indicates whether the explicit approval of a user is required to process a batch, submitted into UniCharge.

References: Merchant.Is Batch Review Required
File Hash Validation
Indicates whether duplicate file validation based on file's content (in addition to the existing file name duplicate validation) is active or not.

References: Merchant.Is File Hash Validation Enabled
Processing Optimization
Indicates whether the transaction processing optimization is enabled in the system.

References: Merchant.Is Transaction Processing Optimization Enabled
Custom Field
For internal use only.

Indicates whether the certain information should be added to the returns file.

References: Merchant.Is Batch Custom Field Enabled
Batch Processing Policy
Represents the selected (or current) type of batch processing policy.
Allows to select policy for batch processing if a validation file was generated by the system.
  • All Or Fail - if there is at least one invalid transaction in the request file, validation error file is generated and the request file is not processed at all.
  • Any Valid - all valid transactions included in a request file are processed by a processor. Invalid transactions are placed into the validation error file and should be re-processed as a separate file after correcting all of the issues.

References: Merchant.Batch Processing Policy CL
All Or Fail
Indicates that if there was at least one valid transaction, validate file should be generated and the main request file would be not processed at all.
Any Valid
Indicates that any valid transaction in a request file will be processed. Any invalid one will be placed into the validation file. Therefore, all invalid transactions from the validation file will have to be re-processed as a separate file afterwards.
Validation Threshold
Enumeration of possible batch validation treshold options.
Minimum number of transactions that must be present in a batch in order for this batch to get validated for potential duplicates or inconsistencies. If a batch is lower than indicated number of transactions, it will not be verified for duplicates.

References: Merchant.Batch Validation Threshold Count
Total amount of a file, necessary for duplicate validation mechanism to get activated.

References: Merchant.Batch Validation Threshold Amount


Includes transaction limits settings.
Max. Transaction Amount
Maximum amount allowed within the transaction.

References: Processing Limit.Max Transaction Amount


Includes various settlement settings.
Shows the time of the day that marks the end of the business day.
This time is set according to the server time zone but should be adjusted for merchant/merchant account individually, if needed. For example, if server time zone is set as EST but a particular merchant/merchant account operates according to PST, the cutoff time setting should be set as 3 AM, in case if cutoff processing time should occur at midnight.
Any transactions processed before this time are dated as the date-processed, while any transactions processed after this time are dated as being processed the next day.

References: Merchant.Processing Cutoff
Review Required
Indicates whether realtime review is required or not.

References: Merchant.Is Realtime Review Required


Includes various validation settings.
Expiration Date
Indicates whether expiration date validation is enabled or not.

References: Merchant.Is Expiration Date Validation Enabled
Routing Number
Indicates whether routing number validation is enabled or not.

References: Merchant.Is Routing Number Validation Enabled
Blacklist Policy
Enumeration of possible blacklist policy types available in the system.

References: Merchant.Blacklist Policy CL
Direct Debit Only
Indicates that only Direct Debit transactions with hard declines will be included to the blacklist.
Cards And Direct Debit
Indicates that both payment cards and Direct Debit transactions with hard declines will be included to the blacklist.
Cards Only
Indicates that only payment cards transactions with hard declines will be included to the blacklist.
Not Used
Indicates that blacklist is not used.


Includes delivery mode for returns.
Delivery Mode
Represents the type of delivery option for ACH returns and chargebacks for this merchant.

References: Merchant.Returns Delivery Mode CL
Indicates that all returns for all merchant accounts will be delivered in a single file.
Merchant Account
Indicates that all returns will be split into multiple files, one for each merchant account.


Includes various callback URLs.
Returns URL
URL of a page, where returns and chargebacks are delivered as they are loaded into the system.

References: Merchant.Returns Callback URL
Offline URL
The URL address for offline callbacks.

References: Merchant.Offline Callback URL


Includes various deposit settings.


Includes chargeback and returns reserve settings.
Includes chargeback reserve rate and period.
Percentage of total transaction volume that should be retained as reserve. Using this rate and the Chargeback Reserve Period the requested amount of chargeback reserve is dynamically calculated and adjusted on each remittance. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: Merchant Account Group.Chargeback Reserve Rate
Time period in days, used to determine the requested amount of the reserve. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: Merchant Account Group.Chargeback Reserve Period
Includes returns reserve rate and period.
Percentage of total transaction volume that should be retained as reserve for ACH returns. Using this rate and the Return Reserve Period the requested amount of return reserve is dynamically calculated and adjusted on each remittance. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: Merchant Account Group.Return Reserve Rate
Time period in days, used to determine the requested amount of the reserve. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: Merchant Account Group.Return Reserve Period


Includes various remittance settings.


Includes basic remittance settings.
Reference to a merchant that contains settings necessary to execute remittance operations.

References: Merchant.Remitter FK
Represents the type of transaction for which remittance process is going to be applied.

See Remittance for additional information.

References: Merchant.Remittance Mode Cl
Batch Only
Indicates that remittance will occur only for batch transactions, statistics will not be calculated for real-time transactions.
Retail Only
Indicates that remittance will occur only for real-time transactions, statistics will not be calculated for batch transactions.
Retail and Batch
Indicates that remittance will occur for both real-time and batch transactions, statistics will be calculated for all transactions.
Indicates that no remittance will take place, statistics will not be calculated.
Represents the type of remittance basis that is used for this merchant. Works in conjunction with ACH remittance period, CC remittance period and AmEx remittance period.

References: Merchant.Remittance Basis Cl
Funding Date
Indicates that remittance of funds occurs pre-defined number of days after funds are received from the processor.
Response Date
Indicates that remittance of funds occurs pre-defined number of days after approval is received from the processor.

Statement Review

Includes merchant and reseller statements review settings.
Indicates whether an explicit approval is required before merchant statement is processed.

References: Merchant.Is Merchant Statement Review Required
Indicates whether an explicit approval is required before reseller statement is processed.

References: Merchant.Is Reseller Statement Review Required


Includes deposit period and processing cutoff settings.
Shows the time period from the moment when a remittance file is sent to the bank and a physical deposit hits merchant's bank account.

References: Merchant.Remittance Period
Shows the time of the day when all approved statements are submitted to the bank.
Shows the waiting period in days before bank card funds are remitted back to the merchant. The field depends on a value in the Remittance Basis classifier. See Transaction Processing and Remittance Source definitions for additional information.

References: Merchant.CC Remittance Period
Shows the waiting period in days before ACH funds are remitted back to the merchant. The field depends on a value in the Remittance Basis classifier. See Transaction Processing and Remittance Source definitions for additional information.

References: Merchant.ACH Remittance Period
Shows the waiting period in days before Amex funds are remitted back to the merchant. The field depends on a value in the Remittance Basis classifier. See Transaction Processing and Remittance Source definitions for additional information.

References: Merchant.Amex Remittance Period

Amount Limits

Includes withholding limit settings.
Max Withholding
Maximum amount of money that can be withheld in favor of reserves within a single remittance.

References: Merchant Account Group.Max Withholding Amount


Includes various remittance settings.
Hold Enabled
Indicates whether remittance process is enabled. When set to true, the balance of all of the newly generated remittance statements is not sent to the merchant, but transferred under the merchant's balance.

References: Merchant Account Group.Is Remittance Hold Enabled
Ignore Source
Controls whether remittance source is ignored or not. If enabled, a single bank account will be used for all types of remittances and they will not be split based on the remittance source. See Remittance Source definition for additional information.

References: Merchant Account Group.Is Ignore Remittance Source

Merchant Funds

Includes merchant funds settings.
Represents the type of current (or selected) approach used to withhold fees from a merchant.

References: Merchant Account Group.Fee Withdrawal Policy CL
Indicates that withdrawal of fees will be deducted as a part of remittance.
Indicates that withdrawal of fees will be deducted either from the same deposit account or from a separate bank account that was designated by the merchant for withholding of the fees.
Deduction Conditional
Automatically switches on if initially merchant funding policy type was withdrawal, and while trying to withdraw fees from merchant account, returns was received for the second time. Such case leads to hold of the account. It can be cancelled by user by unchecking Hold Enabled checkbox on UI.

Merchant Statement

Includes merchant statement settings.
Indicates whether the content of the Merchant Statements List report is exported to the merchant’s FTP via the data export mechanism.

References: Merchant Account Group.Is Merchant Statement Export Enabled
Indicates whether merchant statement archiving process is happening. Copies of statements are archived here: 126.

References: Merchant Account Group.Is Merchant Statement Archiving Enabled
Generation Policy
Enumeration of possible values of statement policy for the merchant account group.

References: Merchant Account Group.Statement Policy CL
Statement View Policy
Allows to select what information is included in the merchant statement by default.
Activity Summary
Indicates whether the Activity Summary information is included in the merchant statement.
Rejects Summary
Indicates whether information on received Rejects is included in the merchant statement.
Returns/Chargebacks Summary
Indicates whether information on Returns/Chargebacks Summary is included in the merchant statement.
Indicates whether information on Fees is included in the merchant statement.
Splits Summary
Indicates whether information on splits out summary transactions is included in the merchant statement.
Reserves Summary
Indicates whether information on Reserves Summary is included in the merchant statement.
Adjustments Summary
Indicates whether information on Adjustments Summary is included in the merchant statement.
Statement Summary
Indicates whether the Statement Summary information is included in the merchant statement.
Submissions Details
Indicates whether the Submissions Details information is included in the merchant statement.
Split Details
Indicates whether the Split Details information is included in the merchant statement.
Transaction Details
Indicates whether the Transaction Details information is included in the merchant statement.
Emailing Policy
Enumerates possible values of statement emailing policy for the merchant account group.

References: Merchant Account Group.Statement Emailing Policy
No Action
Indicates that no action will be taken.
Indicates that only notification will be sent to the specified email address.
Indicates that only statement will be sent to the specified email address.
Statement and Transaction Details
Indicates that statement and transaction details will be sent to the specified email address.
Statement and Return Details
Indicates that statement and return details will be sent to the specified email address.
Allows you to choose how exactly receive Deposit Statement notifications.
Monthly Statement
Allows you to choose how exactly receive Monthly Statement notifications.


Includes various billing settings.


Includes basic billing settings.
Skip Trace
For UniBill only.
Indicates whether skiptracing process is enabled on a customer account.

References: Merchant.Is Skip Trace Enabled
Import Review
Indicates whether the review of import log is required.

References: Merchant.Is Import Log Review Required
Mail Mode
Represents the type of selected mailing mode that is used for this merchant.

References: Merchant.Mail Mode CL
Default Address Only
Indicates that only default address can be used as a mailing option.
All Good Addresses
Indicates that any of the addresses specified in the customer's profile can be used as a mailing option.
Code Uniqueness Scope
For UniBill only.
Represents the type of scope, within which customer account's ID is unique.

References: Merchant.Code Uniqueness Scope CL
Indicates that customer account code is unique within the scope of a merchant.
Merchant Account
Indicates that customer account code is unique within the scope of a merchant account.


Batch Processing

Includes various information related to batch processing.


Includes general information related to batch processing.
Connectivity Type
Type of FTP Gates connectivity.
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
When remote connectivity is required, FTP host location, from which files should be loaded by FTP Gates.
References: iapp_settings
When remote connectivity is required, port for the FTP server, from which files should be loaded by FTP Gates.
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.ftp-gates.port
User Name
Name of the user for FTP Gates access.
Password for FTP Gates access.
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
The directory where all FTP Gates files are saved.
Private Key File Name
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), private key used to authenticate with the FTP server, from which files should be loaded by FTP Gates.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in unipay.resources-home/ssh
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.ftp-gates.private-key
Text that is used for access to FTP.
View Passphrase
Allows to see the entered passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.

PGP Encryption

Includes various information related to PGP encryption in batch processing.
Primary Private Key
Primary PGP private key used for decryption of batch files that were encrypted by primary PGP public key.
The file must be located in ${unibroker}/resources/pgp
References: .unipay.ftp-gates.primary-private-key
Primary Passphrase
Secret password phrase for the primary PGP private key.
References: .unipay.ftp-gates.primary-passphrase
View Primary Passphrase
Allows to see the entered primary passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Secondary Private Key
Secondary PGP private key used for decryption of batch files that were encrypted by secondary PGP public key.
The file must be located in ${unibroker}/resources/pgp
References: .unipay.ftp-gates.secondary-private-key
Secondary Passphrase
Secret password phrase for the secondary PGP private key.
References: .unipay.ftp-gates.secondary-passphrase
View Secondary Passphrase
Allows to see the entered secondary passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.

Realtime Processing

Includes various information related to real-time processing.

PGP Encryption

Includes various information related to PGP encryption in real-time processing.
Primary Private Key
Primary PGP private key used for decryption of data that was encrypted by primary PGP public key and submitted within a real-time transaction. The key is used to secure API fields in addition to SSH.
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.api-encryption.primary-key
Primary Passphrase
Secret password phrase for the primary PGP private key.
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.api-encryption.primary-key-passphrase
View Primary Passphrase
Allows to see the entered primary passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Secondary Private Key
Secondary PGP private key used for decryption of data that was encrypted by secondary PGP public key and submitted within a real-time transaction. The key is used to secure API fields in addition to SSH.
Usually used during key rotation process, when a primary key needs to be replaced with a new one to remain compliant with PCI regulations.
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.api-encryption.secondary-key
Secondary Passphrase
Secret password phrase for the secondary PGP private key.
References: iapp_settings .unicharge.api-encryption.secondary-key-passphrase
View Secondary Passphrase
Allows to see the entered secondary passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.


Includes settings related to mobile SDK.
Encryption Key
Encryption key for SDK key that can be generated for service users.

Email Service

Includes various email services information.
From (General)
Email address to use in 'From' field by internal mailer service to send out system notifications (errors, new user accounts, etc)
References: iapp_settings .unipay.mailer.from
From (Emergency)
Email address to use in 'From' field by internal mailer service to send out system notifications (errors, new user accounts, etc) in case of emergency.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.mailer.from-emergency
Address List (Admins)
Semicolon (;) separated list of emails that receive all system level notifications addressed to system admins. Among emails sent to the people on this list are system errors and exceptions that occur within the system.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.mailer.admins-list
Address List (Managers)
Semicolon (;) separated list of emails that receive notifications addressed to the operations department. Among the emails sent to the people on this list are the notifications associated with remittance, batches, etc.
Address List (Auditors)
Semicolon (;) separated list of emails that receive all system notifications addressed to system auditors. Among the emails sent to the people on this list are Daily System Audit emails and notifications.
Address List (Terminal Managers)
Semicolon (;) separated list of emails that receive system notifications addressed to terminal managers. Among the emails sent to people on this list are notifications associated with terminal orders.
Connection Mode
Allows to select an appropriate connection mode.

Primary Connection

Allows to manage settings and information for the primary connection.
Connectivity Type
Connectivity type of the email hosting.
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
The web address of the email hosting.
Port that is used for transmitting data to the email hosting.
User Name
Email user name.
Email pasword.
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.

Backup Connection

Allows to manage settings and information for the backup connection.
Connectivity Type
Connectivity type of the email hosting.
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
The web address of the email hosting.
Port that is used for transmitting data to the email hosting.
User Name
Email user name.
Email pasword.
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.

Tokenization Service

Includes various tokenization services information.
Connectivity Type
Connectivity type of the tokenization hosting.
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Host (URL) name of an external tokenization service that is to be used by internal tokenization service. For example,
References: iapp_settings
Domain ID
Domain ID (or other supplemental identifier, such as merchant id) to be used with external tokenization service, which is used by internal tokenization mechanism. Usually, domain id services as an additional identifier on top of user name and password pair.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.tokenization.domain-id
User Name
User name for authentication with an external tokenization service, which is used by internal tokenization mechanism.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.tokenization.username
Password for authentication with an external tokenization service, which is used by internal tokenization mechanism.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.tokenization.password
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.


Includes HSM index information.
Connectivity Type
Connectivity type of the HSM index hosting.
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Host address for HSM index.
Port address for HSM index.


Includes various UniBroker parameters information.
Realtime Host
Host (URL) of the UniBroker instance used by the running instance of the EON Payments server to handle real-time requests. For example,

When value is set, UniBroker will be used to filter all real-time incoming and outgoing traffic of the application.
References: iapp_settings
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Batch Connectivity Type
Type of connectivity to use to exchange files with UniBroker instance to handle batch requests.

When value is set, UniBroker will be used to filter all batch incoming and outgoing traffic of the application.

Possible values:
  • file - files are exchanged through a local directory or a mapped remote directory in the same network
  • sftp - files are exchanged through sFTP connection using SSH key
References: iapp_settings .unipay.unibroker.batch.type
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Batch Host
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), host (url) of the UniBroker instance used by the running instance of the EON Payments server to handle batch requests.
References: iapp_settings
Batch Port
Port of the UniBroker instance used by the running instance of the EON Payments server to handle batch requests.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.unibroker.batch.port
Batch User Name
User name for the connection to the UniBroker instance used by the running instance of the EON Payments server to handle batch requests.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.unibroker.batch.username
Batch Password
Password for the connection to the UniBroker instance used by the running instance of the EON Payments server to handle batch requests.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.unibroker.batch.password
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Batch Directory
Local or remote directory, used to exchange files between UniBroker and EON Payments instances to handle batch requests.

When local directory is used, the value of the property must be an absolute path to the directory.

When remote directory is used, the value must be a remote directory path understood by the underlying FTP server.
References: iapp_settings
Batch Private Key File Name
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), private key used to authenticate with the FTP server, which is used to exchange files with UniBroker instance.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in unipay.resources-home/ssh
References: iapp_settings .unipay.unibroker.batch.private-key
Batch Pass Phrase
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), passphrase of the private key used to authenticate with the FTP server, which is used to exchange files with UniBroker instance.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.unibroker.batch.passphrase
View Passphrase
Allows to see the entered passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
PGP Private Key File Name
Private key for PGP encryption used by UniBroker to decrypt all incoming content from EON Payments.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in unibroker.home/pgp

Public and private keys used by UniBroker must belong to different key pairs
References: .unibroker.private-key
Set PGP Key Name
Allows to choose an appropriate PGP key from the list of all available PGP keys.
PGP Public Key File Name
Public key for PGP encryption used by UniBroker to encrypt all outgoing content to EON Payments.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the public key. The file must be located in unibroker.home/pgp

Public and private keys used by UniBroker must belong to different key pairs
References: .unibroker.public-key
Set PGP Key Name
Allows to choose an appropriate PGP key from the list of all available PGP keys.
PGP Pass Phrase
Passphrase on the private key used for PGP decryption of all messages coming from UniBroker to EON Payments.
References: .unibroker.passphrase
View Pass Phrase
Allows to see the entered passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.


Includes additional information about contacts.
Financial Services Name
Official name of the financial services department. The value is used in letters and emails that are sent on behalf of the department or mention this department's contact information.

Financial services department is the department responsible for the flow of transactions as well as remittances and reconciliations.
References: iapp_settings
Financial Services Email
Email of the financial services department. The value is used in letters and emails that are sent on behalf of the department or mention this department's contact information.

Financial services department is the department responsible for the flow of transactions as well as remittances and reconciliations.
References: iapp_settings
Tech Support Name
Official name of the tech support department. The value is used in letters and emails that are sent on behalf of the department or mention this department's contact information.

Tech support department is the department responsible for the system maintenance, user account setup and system integration certifications.
References: iapp_settings
Tech Support Email
Email of the tech support department. The value is used in letters and emails that are sent on behalf of the department or mention this department's contact information.

Tech support department is the department responsible for the system maintenance, user account setup and system integration certifications.
References: iapp_settings

Data Import (unibill)

Includes various data import (UniBill) information.
Connectivity Type
Type of UniBill connectivity.
References: iapp_settings
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Host address of UniBill connectivity.
References: iapp_settings
Port of UniBill connectivity.
References: iapp_settings
User Name
Username of UniBill connectivity.
References: iapp_settings
Password of UniBill connectivity associated with the specific username.
References: iapp_settings
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Directory of the UniBill connectivity.
References: iapp_settings
Private Key File Name
Private key file name.
References: iapp_settings
Pass Phrase
Passphrase associated with specific private key.
References: iapp_settings
View Passphrase
Allows to see the entered passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.


BIN Database

Includes various BIN database information.
Connectivity Type
Type of connectivity required to load files into BIN database.

Possible values:
  • file - BIN file is loaded from a local folder
  • ftp - BIN file is loaded from a remote location over FTP protocol
  • ftps - BIN file is loaded from a remote location over FTPs protocol
  • sftp - BIN file is loaded from a remote location over sFTP protocol
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.type
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
When remote connectivity is required, FTP host location, from which BIN files should be loaded
References: iapp_settings
When remote connectivity is required, port for the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.port
User Name
When remote connectivity is required, username of the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.username
When remote connectivity is required (FTP and FTPs), password of the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.password
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Local or remote directory, from which BIN files are to be loaded.

When local directory is used, the value of the property must be an absolute path to the directory.

When remote directory is used, the value must be a remote directory path understood by the underlying FTP server.
References: iapp_settings
Private Key File Name
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), private key used to authenticate with the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in unipay.resources-home/ssh
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.private-key
Pass Phrase
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), pass phrase on the private key, used to authenticate with the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.passphrase
View Pass Phrase
Allows to see the entered passphrase.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Last Update Date
Date when credit card BINs were last imported from a Provider last time.

For internal use only.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.last-update-date
Download Component
Name of the component used to download BIN file from the provider's FTP. In some cases, custom component is required to accommodate specific behaviour or configuration of the remote FTP server.

By default, Camel component that connects to the FTP server, expects FTP server to have a root folder and a subfolder that will be used for file exchange. For those cases when FTP server is configured not to allow open those folders subsequently, a custom component is required.

Possible values:
  • default - camel is used
  • custom - custom EON Payments logic is used
References: iapp_settings
Indicates that camel component is used.
Indicates that custom EON Payments logic is used.
On Download Action
Action that has to take place after BIN database is downloaded.

Possible values:
  • none - no action will be taken
  • delete - file that has been downloaded will be removed from the source FTP
References: iapp_settings .unipay.bin-db.on-download-action
Indicates that file is not deleted.
Indicates that file is deleted.

Routing Numbers Database

Includes various routing numbers database information.
Host (URL) to load routing numbers from the internal routing number database. For example,
References: iapp_settings
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Opens Form: Check Connection
Last Update Date
Date when routing numbers were last imported from the federal reserve's database.

For internal use only.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.routing-number-db.last-update-date
User Name
User name for Basic Auth authorization on the server. Used to update routing number information.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.routing-number-db.username
Password for Basic Auth authorization on the server. Used to update routing number information.
References: iapp_settings .unipay.routing-number-db.password
View Value
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.
Activity Summary
Indicates whether the Activity Summary information is included in the merchant statement.


Unibill Email Notification

Includes various UniBill email notifications information.
Default value for Welcome Email Code that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_welcome
Soft Decline
Default value for Email Code Soft Decline that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_soft_decline
Soft Decline Wait Period
Default value for Email Code Soft Decline Wait Period that is used when Merchant object is created.
Requires Balance
Default value for Merchant Balance Soft Decline flag that is used when Merchant object is created.

Possible values:
  • 1 - true
  • 0 - false
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.is_required_balance_soft_decline_email
Hard Decline
Default value for Email Code Hard Decline that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_hard_decline
Default value for Email Code Chargeback that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_chargeback
Default value for Email Code Statement that is used when Merchant object is created.
Agent Payment
Default value for Agent Payment Email Code that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_agent_payment
Draft Payment
Default value for Email Code Draft Payment that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_draft_payment
Portal Payment
Default value for Email Code Portal Payment that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_portal_payment
Default value for Email Code Void that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_void
Default value for Email Code Refund that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_refund
Default value for Email Code Invoice that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_invoice
Default value for Email Code Credit that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_credit
Cancel Credit
Default value for Email Code Cancel Credit that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_cancel_credit
Cancel Refund
Default value for Email Code Cancel Refund that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_cancel_refund
Invoice Notification
Default value for Email Code Invoice Notification that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_invoice_notification
Invoice Notification Period
Default value for Email Invoice Notification Period that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_invoice_notification_period
Invoice Only
Default value for Invoice flag that is used when Merchant object is created.
Late Fee
Default value for Email Late Fee that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.email_code_late_fee

Collection Emails

Includes various UniBill collections email options.
Email Code
Default value for Collections Email Code 1 that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.collections_email_code1
Balance Age
Default value for Collections Email Age 1 that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.collections_email_age1

Notification Emails

Includes various UniBill notification emails options.
Email Code
Default value for Notification Email Code 1 that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.notification_email_code1
Balance Age
Default value for Notification Email Age 1 that is used when Merchant object is created.
References: iapp_settings .defaults.merchant.notification_email_age1