Portfolio Details

Type:    Form
Description: Allows to see the detailed information about the selected portfolio.







Includes detailed information about the selected portfolio.
Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.

General Info

Includes general information about the portfolio and the user.
Create Date
Date when the portfolio was created.

References: Portfolio.Create Date
Indicates whether the portfolio is active within the system.

References: Portfolio.Is Active
Identifier of the portfolio's owner within the system.
Auto-incremented integer value.

References: Portfolio.Code
Name of the portfolio.

References: Portfolio.Name
Street line 1
Street address (line 1) of the company the portfolio belongs to.

References: Portfolio.Street1
Street line 2
Street address (line 2) of the company the portfolio belongs to.

References: Portfolio.Street2
City of the company the portfolio belongs to.

References: Portfolio.City
Country code of the company the portfolio belongs to.

References: Portfolio.Country Code
State of the company the portfolio belongs to.

References: Portfolio.State
ZIP Code
ZIP code/postal code of the company the portfolio belongs to.

References: Portfolio.ZIP Code
Facilitator Prefix
Prefix associated with a particular processor that is added to merchant descriptor which is used during the onboarding process. Assigned by a processor.

References: Portfolio.Facilitator Prefix

Additional Info

Includes any additional information related to the portfolio within the system.
Notification Template
The code of the notification template to be used to notify about new merchant statements.

References: Portfolio.Merchant Statement Notification Code

Data Export

Includes configuration settings of reports export.
Deposit Export
Allows to select options for deposit reports export.
No Export
Indicates that the deposit report won't be exported.
Indicates that the deposit report will be exported only.
Export and Notify
Indicates that the transaction list report will be exported and the email notification will be sent to the client.
Transaction List
Allows to select options for transaction reports export.
No Export
Indicates that the transaction list report won't be exported.
Indicates that the transaction list report will be exported only.
Merchant Statement List
Allows to select options for merchant statement lists export.
No Export
Indicates that the merchant statement list won't be exported.
Indicates that the merchant statement list will be exported only.
Export and Notify
Indicates that the merchant statement list will be exported and the email notification will be sent to the client.
Deposit List
Allows to select options for merchant deposits list export.
No Export
Indicates that the deposit list won't be exported.
Indicates that the deposit list will be exported only.
Export and Notify
Indicates that the deposit list will be exported and the email notification will be sent to the client.
Merchant Statement Export
Allows to select options for merchant statement export.
No Export
Indicates that the merchant statement report won't be exported.
Indicates that the merchant statement report will be exported only.
Export with Detail
Indicates that the merchant statement will be exported along with merchant statement detail report.
Merchant Statement Data
Allows to select options for StatementListExport, StatementDetailListExport, and StatementFeeDetailListExport database export tables.
No export
Indicates that StatementListExport, StatementDetailListExport, and StatementFeeDetailListExport database tables won't be populated.
Indicates that only StatementListExport database table will be populated.
Export with Detail
Indicates that StatementListExport database table will be populated along with StatementDetailListExport and StatementFeeDetaiListExport tables.
Transaction Data
Allows to select options for TransactionListExport database export table.
No export
Indicates that TransactionListExport database table won't be populated.
Indicates that TransactionListExport will be populated.

Merchant Fees

Includes settings for merchant fees.
Annual Fee Policy
Defines a list of the months that should be available for annual fee setting for merchants under a particular portfolio.

References: Merchant Account Group.Annual Fee Policy


Includes settings for return files upload.
Multiple return files per day
Indicates that processing of multiple return files during the business day is enabled.
FTP Folder
FTP folder used for batch processing. Review folder structure for more detail.
Create Folder
Allows to create a folder on FTP server used to store return files.


Includes detailed information about the verification profile assigned to the selected portfolio.
Allows to create a new verification profile for the portfolio.
Opens Form: New Verification Profile

New Verification Profile

Includes information about the new verification profile.
Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes system-related information about the profile.
Indicates whether the profile is active within the system.


Includes general information about the processor.
Company Id
Identifier assigned by a processor.
Transaction Reference
Identifier assigned by a processor.
Folder Id
Identifier assigned by a processor.


Includes connectivity-related information.
Host used for connectivity.
User Name
Username used for connectivity.
Company Key
Name of the key used for connectivity.
Allows to enter a new key or view the current one.
Allows to enter a new company key.
Allows to view a current company key.