Terminal Order List

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to terminal orders information and modification options.


Includes various search creteria to locate terminal orders.
Max Results
Allows to select the limit of available records shown on the form. Available limits: 500, 1000.
Executes search based on predefined criteria. If no search criteria is set, last 1000 records are shown as a result.
Clears any selected criteria - resets the form to its original state.
Allows to get a list of all terminal orders based on the selected search criteria.
Merchant Account
Search criteria to locate terminal orders associated with the selected merchant.
Search criteria to locate terminal orders by a particular identification number in the system.
Search criteria to locate terminal order with a specific name by entering either full or partial name.
Create Date
Search criteria to locate terminal orders within the certain date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
Search criteria to locate terminal orders by particular processing status.
Indicates that the order requires approval for further processing.
Indicates that the order is created.
Indicates that the order is approved.
Indicates that the order is cancelled.
Indicates that the order is reopened.
Indicates that the order has been modified.
Indicates that the order is processed.
In Fulfillment
Indicates that the order is in fulfillment.
Indicates that the order has failed.
Indicates that the order is shipped.
Processing Date
Search criteria to locate terminal orders within the processing date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
Shipping Date
Search criteria to locate terminal orders within the shipping date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.


Includes the list of terminal orders found based on the search criteria specified.
Additional information about the order, such as fulfillment center code and fulfillment order number.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Terminal Order.Id
Create Date
Date when the order is created.

References: Terminal Order.Create Date
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Terminal Order.Merchant Account Code
Contact name of the client that is to receive a terminal for usage.

References: Terminal Order.Contact Name
Mailing address of the client that made the order.
Code of the user that created the order.

References: Terminal Order.Creator Code
Current status of the terminal order.

Enumeration of possible statuses of the terminal order.

References: Terminal Order.Order Status CL
Edit Terminal Order
Allows to edit any information about the selected terminal order.
Opens Form: Terminal Order Modify
Resend email notification
Allows to resend one of the notifications to the merchant's email.
Receipt Notification
Allows to resend receipt notification to the merchant's email.
Approval Notification
Allows to resend approval notification to the merchant's email.
Modification Notification
Allows to resend modification notification to the merchant's email.
Cancellation Notification
Allows to resend cancellation notification to the merchant's email.
Shipment Notification
Allows to resend shipment notification to the merchant's email.
Allows to add a new terminal order to the list.
Opens Form: New Terminal Order