System Perspective

Type:    Perspective
Description: Arrangement of forms and actions used by technical administrators to manage setup of various system-wide settings (these settings are more software and hardware-related than business-related).

Provides access to the form related to merchant statistics.
Merchant Financial Statistics
Provides access to merchant financial statistics.
Opens Form: Merchant Financial Statistics
Provides access to the querying modules.
Provides access to database querying module.
Opens Form: Database Querying Module
Provides access to log querying module.
Opens Form: Log Querying Module
Provides access to the list of branding profiles available within the system.
Opens Form: Branding
Provides access to the forms related to encryption and decryption keys.
Provides access to decryption keys management and creation options.
Opens Form: Decryption Keys
Provides access to user agreements list.
Opens Form: User Agreements
Provides access to the forms related to the jobs.
Send Message
Provides access to the form that allows sending messages to the message broker.
Opens Form: Send Message
Manual Remittance Post Statements
Provides access to remittance post statements sending options.
Opens Form: Manual Remittance Post Statements
Provides access to system tasks that can be executed on demand.
Job Object
Provides access to various job objects.
Job Messages
Provides access to various job messages.
Opens Form: Job Messages
Camel Routes
Provides access to camel routes.
Opens Form: Camel Routes
Provides access to the forms related to transaction and system logs.
View Logs
Provides access to transaction logs list.
Opens Form: Transaction Logs
View Log Online
Provides access to server log monitoring options.
Opens Form: Server Log
Provides access to logs browser.
Opens Form: Browse Logs
Provides access to logs analyzer.
Opens Form: Analyze Logs
Provides access to the forms related to file processing.
File Store
Provides access to the files that are being processed on the processor's side.
Opens Form: File Store
FTP Gates
Provides access to the files that are being processed on the gateway side.
Opens Form: FTP Gates
Provides access to sanitization profiles available within the system.
Opens Form: Sanitization Profile
Provides access to reports modification options.
Opens Form: Reporting
Provides access to the list of providers available within the system.
Opens Form: Provider
Provides access to the forms related to resource codes.
Import Format
Provides access to code import format options.
Opens Form: Import Format
Resource Codes
Provides access to the list of resource codes.
Opens Form: Resource Code
Currency Sign
Provides access to the list of currency signs.
Opens Form: Currency Sign
Provides access to the forms containing various system information.
Provides access to the system information and various cache resetting options.
Opens Form: System
Provides access to various system settings.
Opens Form: Settings
Provides access to information about potential errors.
Opens Form: Diagnostic
Allows the user to change current perspective that he/she is working with.
Opens Form: Portal
Log Out
Allows to sign out of the system and terminate current session.